About me

About Frédérique

“What makes this touch you so deeply? Where do you feel that? What do you hope to find with me? Where do you notice that something is wrong? What is that power that has kept you up all this time?”

About me

About Frédérique

TheYouConnection was founded in 2022 by Frédérique Janssen. Curious as she is about her fellow man, in good and bad times, she likes to connect. In her work as a somatic practitioner, she can delve even more deeply into the real motivation and (underlying) issues of her clients. “What makes this touch you so deeply? Where do you feel that? What do you hope to find with me? Where do you notice that something is wrong? What is that power that has kept you up all this time?”

Frédérique (1975) lives in Amsterdam with her husband and two sons. She previously worked as a lawyer and is therefore familiar with the stress and strain of a demanding career. Besides her work as a somatic practitioner, Frédérique can often be found in a rowing boat on the river Amstel or on her off-road bike somewhere in the woods.

work method

The You Connection

Make an appointment

To make an appointment, you can send me an email via the link below. Should you have any question in advance, leave me a message and I will contact you.

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